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Barbaric European food practices III: Some kind of mouse. Maybe it's a squirrel. Anyway, they eat it

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The European Union is close to banning all Canadian seal products, and a grassroots campaign to boycott Canadian fish and seafood is gaining momentum. But what of Europe's own barbaric culinary practices? In response, Full Comment will call attention to European hypocrisy and demand an immediate end to the brutal slaughter of helpless creatures. Today's poor victim of continental cruelty: mice...or possibly rat. It's hard to tell.

Thousands of years ago, Roman legions on the march brought along specimens of mice, known as edible dormouse or glis glis, which could be quickly fattened and then consumed as an emergency source of food, should the unit find itself unable to live off the land. That tradition lives on today, concentrated primarily in European Union member Slovenia, though glis glis poaching remains common in parts of Italy, as well.

The dormouse is a rodent, of course, and bears some superficial similarities to the common North American squirrel. A nocturnal creature, their loud squeaking makes them an easy target for human hunters, who can paralyze them with flashlight beams before killing them with a firearm or a well-thrust skewer. Various forms of wire or bladed traps are also common means of capturing dormouse. Dormouse hunting was especially popular in Slovenia due to a belief that Satan is their shepherd, meaning that the slaughter of a dormouse is not only a way to eat, but also a way to strike a blow against Satan. Even in modern times, stewing dormice with red wine and vegetables is a popular dish, as is fried chopped dormouse.

In Italy, where the hunting of dormouse is illegal, they have been poached almost to the brink of extinction in certain areas. Some Italians, facing increasing difficulties in finding dormice in the wild, have taken to raising dormice domestically, fattening them up before turning them into stew. Italian chefs, arrested for serving such stew, have offered as a defence that they aren't really serving the protected creatures, but are merely lying to their customers and feeding them common rats, instead. The wisdom of this legal defence remains in question, as serving rat is also illegal.

The National Post calls on all Canadians to boycott Slovenian agricultural products, until such time that this barbaric practice is brought to an end, and further calls upon the Italian government to crack down on the illegal poaching of dormice within their national borders that is threatening this peaceful species with extinction.

Matt Gurney
National Post


Barbaric European food practices III: Some kind of mouse. Maybe it's a squirrel. Anyway, they eat it

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Barbaric European food practices III: Some kind of mouse. Maybe it's a squirrel. Anyway, they eat it

[Source: Wb News]

posted by tgazw @ 7:37 PM, ,

Arson attack in Iran leaves 5 more dead

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Second pre-election incident in border town
President seeks to pin blame on 'foreign enemies'

Iran suffered a further bout of violence in the run-up to next week's presidential elections when five people were killed and dozens more injured today in an arson attack in the border town where 25 people died last week in a mosque bombing.

State media said the incident targeted the Mehr Financial and Credit institute in Zahedan, a largely Sunni Muslim town near the eastern border with Pakistan. Iran partially closed the border.

News of the latest violence coincided with reports of arrests over last Thursday's suicide bombing of a Shia mosque in Zahedan. Both it and a small bomb found on an internal flight to Tehran at the weekend have been blamed on Iran's foreign enemies by state media. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Iran's "supreme leader", warned yesterday of an "enemies' conspiracy ⬦ trying to harm national unity," the Irna news agency reported.

Analysts suspect that whoever is behind these incidents is being exploited by supporters of the hardline president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He is being challenged in the 12 June vote by three other candidates, two of them reformers seeking improved relations with the west and blaming the incumbent for the country's current isolation.

Ahmadinejad told a rally that if he was re-elected he would continue his tough talk. "We are sorry that certain people inside the country have joined the Zionists in opposing those of us calling the Zionists liars, killers of children and murderers," he said. Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Radan, deputy commander of Iran's security forces, said that "a number of individuals who intended to create insecurity" in Zahedan had been detained.

Zahedan is the capital of Sistan-Baluchestan province, home to Iran's mostly Sunni ethnic Baluchis. Near Pakistan, the region sees frequent clashes between security forces and smugglers and bandits.

Three men convicted of involvement in the mosque bombing, the deadliest such incident in Iran since the eight-year war with Iraq, were publicly hanged on Saturday. A Sunni opposition group named Jundullah (God's soldiers), which Iran says is part of al-Qaida and backed by the US, claimed responsibility for the mosque bombing.

Manuchehr Mottaki, Iran's foreign minister, said Jundullah was linked to "foreign forces" in Afghanistan. Jundullah says it fights for the rights of Iran's Sunnis and has claimed responsibility for a dozen terrorist attacks in Iran.

The recent incidents are reminiscent of a similar outbreak of violence days before Iran's last presidential election, in 2005, which brought Ahmadinejad to power. Bombs then hit Tehran and the south-western city of Ahvaz, which has a sizable Arab minority, killing eight people and wounding scores more.

Israel warned meanwhile that Iran could have enough fissile material for its first nuclear bomb by the end of this year. Brigadier General Yossi Baidatz, head of the research division of Israel's military intelligence, made the remarks to a foreign affairs committee of Israel's parliament.

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Arson attack in Iran leaves 5 more dead

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

posted by tgazw @ 6:48 PM, ,

VA GOV: McDonnell Campaign Cash "Nearly" $4.9M

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Ex-VA AG Bob McDonnell, the GOP gubernatorial nominee in Virginia, announced some campaign fundraising numbers today, the Monday after he was officially nominated at the VA GOP's state convention over the weekend. Since the start of the 2nd quarter 4/1, McDonnell's camp says it has raised $3.7M from 2,159 donors (making the average donation per individual right around $1,700). When combined with monies still left over from the 1st quarter, McDonnell's camp claims "nearly" $4.9M cash on hand, according to a release.

This weekend's nominating convention was just a formality for McDonnell, who's been running unopposed for the GOP nomination since January. He's still waiting for VA Dems to choose his opponent from three contenders: ex-DNC chair Terry McAuliffe, state Sen. Creigh Deeds and ex-Del. Brian Moran. Dems are set to make their selection in a statewide primary 6/9.

The fundraising numbers are something of a formality, too. Along with the hotly contested NJ gubernatorial race, VA GOV is seen by both national parties -- but particularly by the beleaguered Republicans -- as a harbinger of '10's congressional cycle. Both parties are expected to pour vast amounts into VA's general election contest, making it tough for either nominee to grab a monetary advantage in the race. It's also hard to determine exactly what candidate fundraising totals foretell in a state with no contribution limits.

Still, McDonnell has shown that he's ready to fight hard to pull the purple VA back into the red column in Nov. Most polls show him leading a general election matchup against the Dem, even after an expensive statewide ad campaign targeting him run by the DGA through a VA-based 527.

There's also the boisterous Dem primary fight, which has focused even more attention on McDonnell criticisms. But the Republican's campaign says all the noise coming from the Democrats has been a good thing for McDonnell.

"We continue to build the resources we need to win this November," McDonnell's campaign manager, Phil Cox, said in the statement announcing the fundraising numbers. "And we are doing this while our potential opponents are waging an expensive and increasingly negative primary race. This is a crucial advantage as we take Bob McDonnell's positive message of new jobs and more opportunities to every voter in Virginia."


VA GOV: McDonnell Campaign Cash "Nearly" $4.9M

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

posted by tgazw @ 6:21 PM, ,


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